1. In regular book publications (using the bywords: "book" and "bookhrvd") put: - the number and title of of the running chapter in the header of even pages, - the number and title of the running subchapter in the header of odd pages (3,5,7...). 2. In editorial books used for collective works ("collection", "*hrvd") and conference proceedings (proceedings) put: - the names of the authors (J. Brown) in the header of even pages, and - the title of the chapter (paper) in the header of odd pages. 3. The bibliographical basis is formed by the following two files: pwnt.bst - using numerical references, and pwnthrvd.bst - using the harvard style. 4. All the templates use the same version of the style file: pwnt_en.cls. As can be seen in the template tex file (sample.tex), the preambule defines the type of the book: \documentclass[book]{pwnt_en} - for book issues (with numerical references), \documentclass[book,hrvd]{pwnt_en} - for books using the harvard style of the bibliographical referencing, \documentclass{pwnt_en} - for collective editorial issues with the numerical referencing (the optional format), \documentclass[hrvd]{pwnt_en} - for collective editorial issues with the harvard bibliography, \documentclass[proc]{pwnt_en} - for conference proceedings.