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Diagnostyka procesów i systemów en

       Conference Scope

Gdańsk, 7-9 September 2009


The conference is generally concerned with solving various scientific and technical problems of diagnostics of processes and systems based on mathematical and engineering methods and techniques. The conference makes both an international and a national forum of exchange of scientific and technological information and engineering experience on technical diagnosis, which can be placed in a common area of automatic control, measurements and signal processing, and computer networks, using mathematical theories and the practical tools of modeling and identification, artificial intelligence and computer science. The conference is thus focused on combination of these domains of engineering and system knowledge for fault detection and its applications, including detection, isolation, localization, identification, diagnosis, reconfiguration and control. An important task for this forum is also integration of scientists and engineers and managers from different branches of industry and services (like chemistry, power systems, machine tools, manufacturing, nutritive industry, medicine, biotechnology, environmental protection, etc.) as well as the makers of hardware and software for computer control and diagnostic systems.


  • Modeling and simulation of faults and fault-symptom relationships
  • Methods of fault diagnosis, using:
    • mathematical modeling
    • parameter identification and state estimation
    • qualitative models
    • statistical and signal processing
    • artificial intelligence
    • fuzzy logic and rough sets
    • expert systems
    • neural networks
  • Diagnostic systems and their applications in:
    • monitoring and alarming
    • fault tolerant systems
    • computer systems and networks
    • diagnostic software
    • medicine and therapy
    • environment protection
    • other industrial applications: electronics, power systems, chemistry, material technology, production control, etc.
  • Safety in industrial processes, quality monitoring, software reliability and others.