The distance to the city centre of Sopot from the Dwór Prawdzica is 1000
meters, to the city centre of Gdansk is 4 km and 10 km to the Ko¶ciuszko
Square in Gdynia.
The buss stop for 143 and 117 busses is located close to the premises of
the Dwór Prawdzica and the tram terminal station is just a walk away.
From the Gdansk-Oliwa railway station you can take a taxi* for 5
minutes, or busses 143 and 117 for 10 minutes.
From the international airport in Gdansk you can take a taxi* for
30 minutes.
Time tables for all bus and tram lines can be found on the wab pages of the
Gdańsk Public Comunication Company (ZKM):
*Taxi can be ordered by the phone:
663 869 666
601 31 59 59
19 666 (local)
19 197 (local)
what gwarantees 20%-discount,
and with the password POLITECHNICA results in 30%-discount.